
Great Week so far!

Work was good.  Had all day meeting/workshop for new system on Wednesday.  Very productive.  We got lots done with testing and finding what needs to be fixed.  I was exhaused by the end of the day but did my walk at the mall when I got home. 

This evening Larry and I went to Aidan's school fundraiser.  The theme is "Sock Hop".  It was really neat.  They had a DJ playing 50's music and the girls had on poodle skirts and ponytails and the boys had on white shirts and rolled up jeans.  Aidan was so cute.  I'll get pics from Evie and share them later.

Taking a vacation day tomorrow.  Plan to work on my Halloween Magnolias and a few other "me" things. 

Doing great with the new "eating" plan.  One of my biggest challenge is getting in all the liquids I need.  Not supposed to drink anything for an hour after I eat and at least 30 minutes before.  Have been trying some new recipes.  I still have to puree most of what I eat.  Made some roasted cauliflower on Monday evening and pureed it.  It is really good.  Also roasted a sweet potato.  So, most dinner meals this week I have had my pureed turkey, cauliflower and some sweet potato.

Well, everyone have a great evening.

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