
Busy Day

Had a busy and good day.  Had some yummy baked tilapia for lunch.  First solid food I have actually had for a month.  I chewed it up really good.  Had some potato soup for dinner.  And now having an instant breakfast with protin powder to drink.  Need to get at least 60 g of protein, preferably 85 g.  A lot of protein. 

Went to my first WLS Support Group meeting.  It was a great meeting.  This one is the last Tuesday of each month.  Then there is one on Saturday mornings once a month at St Francis that I am going to also attend.  That is the 2nd Saturday of each month before the WLS seminar.

Need to work on my Halloween Cards tomorrow evening.  Haven't had a chance to finish them up but it is going to be Halloween in just a few days!!

Have a wonderful evening!


Great Week so far!

Work was good.  Had all day meeting/workshop for new system on Wednesday.  Very productive.  We got lots done with testing and finding what needs to be fixed.  I was exhaused by the end of the day but did my walk at the mall when I got home. 

This evening Larry and I went to Aidan's school fundraiser.  The theme is "Sock Hop".  It was really neat.  They had a DJ playing 50's music and the girls had on poodle skirts and ponytails and the boys had on white shirts and rolled up jeans.  Aidan was so cute.  I'll get pics from Evie and share them later.

Taking a vacation day tomorrow.  Plan to work on my Halloween Magnolias and a few other "me" things. 

Doing great with the new "eating" plan.  One of my biggest challenge is getting in all the liquids I need.  Not supposed to drink anything for an hour after I eat and at least 30 minutes before.  Have been trying some new recipes.  I still have to puree most of what I eat.  Made some roasted cauliflower on Monday evening and pureed it.  It is really good.  Also roasted a sweet potato.  So, most dinner meals this week I have had my pureed turkey, cauliflower and some sweet potato.

Well, everyone have a great evening.


Returned to Work Today

Today was a great day at work.  Had a couple of meetings and caught up on emails.  Went for a walk around the capital building and worked out on the eliptical rider for 15 minutes in our fitness center.

Larry and I went for walk when I got home.  Went to Michael's and then home.  Fixed and ate my delicious pureed turkey meat and yummy homemade applesauce.

We watched Oliver on TMC and now I am ready to call it a night and go to bed.

Check out my slide show below.  Some oldies but goodies.  :)


Going Back to Work Monday, Tomorrow

The time has really gone fast.  I had hoped to get more stuff done, ie scrapbooking, cards, and organizing my stuff.

I am feeling good.  Have been walking at least 30 minutes each day now.  I am going to work up to 45 minutes in the next couple of weeks. 

My eating plan is doing ok.  I am pureeing everything I am eating now.  I had pureed bean soup that my friend, Ani, made, pureed ground turkey, pureed baby carrots, pureed chopped apples that my sister-in-law, Lortta brought over.  She had made sugar free apple pies and brought me some of the chopped apples that didn't go into a pie.  What a yummy treat.  She makes such a beautiful and yummy pie.

Haven't worked on my Maggies for a couple of days.  Too much else going on. 

Oh, and we have wasps in the house.  We have no idea where they are coming from.  We have killed 8.  Hubby is going to call our pest control people tomorrow for sure.

Everyone have a great evening.


Post Op Day 9

Had my follow-up surgery appt today,  Doing good so far with the weight loss.  I am now on a prureed diet and working towards regular diet in a couple of weeks or so.  How I am feeling after I start the regular diet, will determine the next step, fill or not to fill.  I am returning to work on Monday.  I know it is going to be a busy week. 

Worked on some finishing up some cards from my Tim Holtz class last week.  Will scan them in a couple of days and put on this blog.

My baby grandson is staying with us tonight.  He is such a delight.  We have so much fun watching him and making him laugh. 

Well, going to go night night now.


Post Surgery Day 6

Had a wonderful day.  Feeling good but still get tired easily.  Worked on birthday card for my Mom this morning.  Came out really cute. She really loved it.   I will post picture later.  I have been cruising the internet this evening and came upon a website that is for lapband support.  Looks like a great website to get ideas for what to eat in each stage of this journey.

Well, time to go to bed. 


Post Op Day 5

Feeling really good today  Tummy isn't as sore as it was.  Still hard to bend over to pick stuff up when I drop it.  My weight limit is 10 lbs.  That is not very much.  I have taken most of my "stuff" out of my purse so it is very light.  Very different for me.

Watched a cool live demonstration from Cool2Craft.  Just happened upon it this morning.  Great website has classes and lots of different techniques.  Their website is http://www.cool2craft.com/ 

Need to work on some more of my Maggies to get them colored and made into cards.


Post Lap Band Surgery - Day 3

Today I am more sore and tired.  I feel like someone kicked me in the left side of my tummy.  Still didn't take any pain meds.  Trying to stay off them....  I hate being in lala land. :)

Stamped some of my Magnolia Stamps onto cardstock and plan to start coloring them this evening.  Last night I almost completed the Tilda Witch with Vampire Edwin.  Such a cute card designed by Lisa Cook.  I wasn't able to go to class today so I picked up the kit.

Here is a link to Lisa's cards on Facebook.  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Creative-Cards-By-Lisa/314052109010?ref=ts


Day 2 Post Op

Feeling really good.  Didn't take any pain medicine today.  Went to pick up my Magnolia Stamp kit, Witch Tilda and some new copic pens, then to Joann's and then home.  Felt food to get out for a little bit.  Took a short walk outside with my hubby. Eatting cream soups, applesauce, and chocolate pudding.  All these I have added protein powder to.  Supposed to get lots of protein daily.  Helps to keep muscles good. 

Worked on coloring my Witch Tilda and Vampire Edwin this evening.  Such a cute card this is going to be. Will finish it up tomorrow and work on some others.  Halloween is just around the corner.  :)


Post Surgery - Day 1

Doing ok.  Very sore where the lapband is inserted.   Not eating yet.  On the Clear Liquids only stage until tomorrow.  Total calories is only 150- 202.  Taking pain meds which cause itching so taking generic Benedryl and also chewable Bonine to prevent nausea.

Larry is being a wonderful hubby.  Getting me what I need if I am unable to bend over to get it. 


Surgery Day

Surgery went very well.  I have slight pain but pain medicine is working.  Dr Sydney Hu is awesome.  She found a small hiatal hernia and repaired it at the same time as as placing the lapband. 

I am very grateful that God has allowed me to have this done  I am very grateful that my husband is so supportive and has helped me immensely with the process.

I am grateful to all my family and friends for their prayers and encouragement.


Surgery is tomorrow, finally!

The day passed quickly.  Had an all day meeting, came home and have been doing some chores that I won't be able to do for several weeks.  Have lots of projects to work on while I am off, including stamping some stuff for Halloween cards.

Day 10 of Preop Diet

Well, today is the last day of my preop diet.  Lapband surgery is tomorrow.  I am a little anxious but excited to finally get this new journey started.

I am praying for a positive outcome.  I know there will be some discomfort but I am prepared to go through it for the results of this type of surgery.

Haven't had a chance to get back to my scrapbooking and stamping.  Will do a lot of it while I am recovering from surgery.


Day 8 of preop Diet for my lapband surgery

Just 2 more days to go til surgery.  Today was harder than any so far.  I wanted something  yummy.  Had cauliflower with fat free chicken stock and some chicken for dinner.  Then, had some cottage cheese with cinnamon and sweetner.  That was pretty good.  Then I had some apple.  So, that is it for today.  Back to work tomorrow after being off for 4 1/2 days.