
3/12/09 - Weight 220

Well, I did it, I got on the scale yesterday morning and now I am going to keep track better so I can get down to a healthy weight.

Went to the mall today and bought a few new things on sale and with an extra discount at Eddie Bauer. Wore me out though. My knee started hurting a lot. Came home and put ice on it. Oh, did I mention, I had total knee replacement December 1. So, I am doing good but still not at 100%.


March 2009

Well, here it is March 2009. My granddaughters are now 2 years old and my grandson is almost 5. I have been busy with scrapbooking and my toning classes and playing with my grandchildren. And, oh yes, working my 8 - 5 job at Hill's Pet Nutrition. My hubby and I have been working on the Love Dare book from Fireproof. We just started but so far pretty good.